Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lean Management in a Salon

1. 0. About the organization Yellow Nails Salon is a privately run business which specializes in nail care and started off as a nail-bar 5 years ago. It is a small setup with 10 service staff, one main work floor, 2 treatment rooms, a storeroom, a pantry and a restroom. The owner visits the salon every day for a couple of hours to keep an eye on the over-all running of the salon and to ensure work is being done up to the standard. The salon services about 20 customers on weekdays and up to 40 customers on weekends/peak seasons, and receives about 20% turn-away customers daily. . 1. Main products and services The core services provided by the salon are different types of manicures and pedicures. Since 2010 the salon has grown in popularity and seen a demand from regular clients to offer more varied services, so hair treatments, massage services, hair removal and specialized facials have been introduced. The salon also stocks nail polishes which the customers can purchase. 1. 2. The cu stomers The client base consists of women from low to mid-income families residing in the area.These are women that like the convenience of having a salon close by that they can visit regularly and pamper themselves, yet not blow a hole in their pockets by doing so. A lot of the customers treat their salon time as a requirement rather than an indulgence and slot it in as a job in their busy schedules. 1. 3. Order qualifiers and order winners for the company The order winners for the salon are the prices offered along with the decor and environment.There are no other salons in the area with a matching stylish interior while offering similar competitive rates. Any salons that offer this type of ambience will be too pricey, and those that are not, will not have the same sort of interiors. The order qualifiers are the experience of the staff, the services offered and the location. 2. 0. Challenges One of the biggest challenges faced by the business is that a lot of customers have to be turned away because the salon is unable to accommodate them in several ways.While a lot of similar salons thrive on new and walk-in customers, in Yellow Nails, unless you have pre planned the visit and booked, you will not be attended to, even if is it a case of adding an extra treatment during your visit. Appointments are made and not kept, yet the staff is obligated to sit idle until the customer arrives and turn away walk-in customers. Another major problem is that a lot of time is taken up by each customer alone as a single specialist attends to a customer at a time, while other staff waits for their booking to arrive.There have been occasions when it has been witnessed that some roll-on wax has been thrown away because it has dried up so the attendant has had to open a new case, which is also the case with other beauty products. Seemingly, there is quite a bit of wastage due to old stock being kept. Another issue seems to be that though the staff is very friendly and their work is of a high standard, the space around them is not very organized, resulting in longer waiting time for the customer, even between services.Along with these challenges, the cost of operations is high, as the owner gets the spa products from Switzerland which she visits periodically and stocks up on her visit and has also invested heavily in treatment machines, which require regular maintenance. These factors show that it is quite important for the business to structure its operations more effectively in order to generate more desirable profits. 2. 1. Evidence Having been to the salon many times and witnessing the problems on a first-hand basis, there is no doubt that the problems observed do truly exist.Many businesses have challenges which are buried under a shiny exterior, but when the customer starts facing it directly, you know it’s an issue that needs to be dealt with immediately, possibly more critically in a service-based company. 2. 2. Effects on the Business While the salon is making sufficient revenue, it is losing out on prospective business because the jobs are not streamlined effectively. Having spoken to the manager of the salon about how the business is performing, she said it is doing quite well and they are making â€Å"good money†.On the slightly negative side, she went on to say that they are unable to hire any more staff because they don’t have space to accommodate more customers at one time and the owner had no intention to expand the space. What was perceived from the discussion was that they do recognize that a lot of customers have to be turned away due to which they are losing potential business, and that the owner is interested in hiring more girls in order to boost profit but is unable to, and she doesn’t think there is any other solution to this problem.The obvious answer, as per the owner, is that more staff equals more customers, which means more revenue. ? 3. 0. Lean implementation in the service sec tor Traditionally, Lean practices have been largely associated with the manufacturing industry, with literature and methods of implementation being more accessible in that particular sector. We therefore look at the research of several authors that discuss how lean can be applied in service industries and the factors that need to be focused on in order to be able to do so.We also look at the different frameworks of lean that makes it a recommended approach. 3. 1. Literature Review The term Lean management has first been used in the book The Machine That Changed the World by Womack, Jones and Roos (1990), describing the fundamentals of the Toyota production system as lean production (Coote and Gould, 2006). Following on from which, Coote and Gould’s (2006) literature talks about lean as a concept that has come to mean different things to different people, from claiming that most view it as a collaboration of efficiency and low cost which they depict as being a narrow view.They provide a more wholesome definition describing it as ‘delivering customer value without waste’. As businesses tend to place a high importance to their customers, it would be inevitable that a concept with a large focus on that factor would be adopted, although one would question whether the approach is only fit for a manufacturing company. Abdi et al (2006) state that lean can be applied to service sectors and that there are similarities and differences in adopting the approach from a service point of view.Their literature discusses five different principles from the works of Womack and Jones (1996) and how these lean manufacturing principles can be applied to the service sector, which includes specifying value by service, indentifying the service value stream, making the service flow, supplying at the pull of the customer and implementing the pursuit of perfection and in order to apply these principles, they place the human element as a crucial variable in the service s sector.Another piece of literature, researched by Bonaccorsi et al (2011), concludes that lean thinking has the potentialities to be implemented in the service industry as an effective way to cut costs and increase customer satisfaction. They emphasize that applying lean to service is challenging which is why lean concepts must often be redefined in a proper way, and to solve this, the concept Service Value Stream Management (SVSM) has been developed.This approach is flexible in nature and can be applied to a wide range of cases, including Yellow Nails salon, wherein the principles of lean need to be tailored to the requirements of that particular sector. As SVSM is claimed to be flexible and used functionally as a general guide, there should be no complications to develop a true lean service via its implementation. Piercy and Rich’s (2009) research findings highlight that through the adoption of lean service tools, service business can serve the traditionally competing pri orities both of operational cost reduction and of increased customer service quality.The lean approach is validated in the service context and proposed as a valuable addition to traditional service marketing approaches to services improvement. In their paper, they present the data on the implementation of lean process approaches in the call centre context highlighting rapid improvements such as value identification, process/value stream mapping, and removal of barriers to flow value to the customer. An empirical study by Alsmadi et al (2012), analyzes the differences in the relationship between lean practices and firm performance in the UK manufacturing and service sectors.Although lean practices have been successfully implemented in many manufacturing cases, their effect on firm performance in both manufacturing and service sectors is still limited. First, the empirical findings in both sectors suggest that Lean practices are positively associated with firms’ performance and the degree of impact on performance is also identical between the two sectors, therefore their study supports the positive argument concerning the applicability of Lean practices in service firms and their potential effect on performance.The results also suggested that soft Lean practices related to customer and HR management in the service sector was performing highly which is why it is essential, as stated by other authors, that Lean practices need to be distilled and tailored to the specific features of the sector. Once the idea of lean principles has been accepted that is can be implemented by a service based company, it would be important to focus on the specific internal implementation techniques, wherein Malayeff (2006) attempts to provide insight into the management of an internal service system derived from a perspective of Lean management.He claims this would exist within professional service units of development, engineering, information technology, human resources and c onsumer affairs. In the case of Yellow Nails salon, the focus would be on the HR and consumer functions.. Malayeff’s (2006) study stated that internal service systems have numerous common structural characteristics including the importance of information, process flows across functions, many hand-offs of information, hidden costs and benefits and no explicit motivation for urgency.The wasteful activities can be classified into seven groups: delays reviews, mistakes, duplication, movement, processing inefficiencies and resource inefficiencies, and he found that the most common problems included a lack of standard procedures, long service times, communication breakdowns and poor personnel management, out of which all but communication breakdowns are issues that Yellow Nails salon can be seen as a victim of. Draghichi and Petcu (2011) also propose Lean Six Sigma as a strong leadership approach for improving management rocesses, while reducing errors which can in turn help both t he organization and its employees do things quicker and better through quality principles, resulting in improvements at all service organization levels Bortolotti and Romano (2012) developed a framework based on a study they conducted wherein they found that the automation of a process that is not streamlined can generate problems that can slow down the flow of work and increase errors. They state that a process should first be mapped to highlight waste and only when the new process is streamlined, can it actually be automated.They go on to say that by doing so, the new process will automate only value-added activities recognized by the customers which we will touch upon in more detail for Yellow Nails salon in section 4. 3. 2. Recommendations Though the authors state that through tailored concepts being applied to service sectors, lean can be effectively employed, it is important for authors in the field to depict more focused principles relating to lean practices for a full servic e based business, which seems to be missing. 4. 0. Project Plan for Lean ImplementationIn order to fix the problems that the business is facing, I would propose a new business model incorporating a lean approach. Lean focuses on elimination of waste (Slack et al, 2010) and the following are some of the Muda, or non-value adding work for the customer that can be eliminated with the suggested operational implementations. 4. 1. Reducing waiting time Yellow Nails Salon will benefit from eradicating the appointment system that they are currently enforcing, which in fact ties up the service slot, even if the customer is late due to the business’ policy that could be given to a walk-in customer.Management should instead implement job cards with a list of what treatments the customer wants with service being given on a first-come-first-serve basis. This will allow the business to maximize the number of customers they are taking on daily, not turn any customers away and eventually cut down on the waiting time of the customer. 4. 2. Full utilization of Human Resources Currently, the staff is not being utilized to their maximum capability so it would be beneficial to the business to reorganize the way the service staff is taking on workload.A full utilization of all staff at all times approach should be set into place, so if there is one customer and two staff members available, they should both attend to the client to speed up the service where possible . This would essentially free up 50% of the client’s time in the salon, which no doubt will be give them better value for money. The improved efficiencies can be highlighted by illustrating this using Value Stream Mapping. 4. 2. 1 Value Stream Mapping Value stream mapping focuses on value-adding activities and distinguishes between value-adding and non-value-adding activities (Slack et al, 2010).The following is a simplified version showing the value added activities for a customer at the salon and highligh ts the waiting time as the ‘waste’ which should be eliminated. Example of customer x – Requirement: Manicure, Haircut & Waxing It can be seen that with the current means of operations, a customer with the mentioned requirements will be at the salon for three hours and fifteen minutes, whereas by employing lean practices, their time can be cut down by a full hour and fifteen minutes. 4. 3. JIT implementation for beauty productsThough the owner may view it as a major set-back, it would be an intelligent decision to acquire a local supplier that can provide good quality products that the salon can order in smaller batches when required, rather than purchasing excellent quality products in large quantities, keep the stock in storage over long periods of time and throw a large portion of it away due to it being spoilt.. By introducing JIT, the salon can keep customers happy as well as combat avoidable costs. 4. 4. 5S principles implementationAnother factor that can im prove customer service provided at the salon would be to reorganize the workspace by adopting the 5S lean implementation framework which would help the staff operate in a more orderly manner. The staff is directly customer facing so there is not a lot of scope to waste time locating the required goods to service the customer. 5. 0. Conclusion To conclude, though the business is currently at a good stable position in the market with a loyal customer base, there is scope for growth in terms of increased profits and new business which can only be enjoyed by Yellow Nails if it implements lean practices.The challenges which are currently faced comprising of turning away customers, long waiting time and wastage of stock can all be solved by incorporating the 5 principles of lean thinking, which include focusing on value of the customer, appreciating the value stream, concentrating on improved flow and perfecting quality. The business possesses some very strong attributes wherein some lean values can already be found such as the pull factor as staff is flexible in fulfilling customer requirement, and additional care is given to quality of service.However, there is still a gap in the model which is not allowing the business to perform at its full potential, and by tapping in to this area, going forward, Yellow Nails will be able to see substantial improvements. ? 6. 0. References †¢Abdi, F. et al. (2006) Glean Lean: How to use Lean approach in service industries?. Journal of Services Research, 6 p. 191-206. †¢Alsmadi, M. et al. (2012) A comparative analysis of Lean practices and performance in the UK manufacturing and service sector firms. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 23 (4), p. 81-396. †¢Bonaccorsi, A. et al. (2011) Service Value Stream Management (SVSM): Developing Lean Thinking in the Service Industry. Journal of Service Science and Management, 4 p. 428-439. †¢Bortolotti, T. and Romano, P. (2013) ‘Lean first, then automa te': a framework for process improvement in pure service companies. Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 23 (7), p. 513-522. †¢Coote, P. and Gould, S. (2006) Technical Matters – Lean Management. Financial Management, p. 31-34 †¢Draghici, M. and Jenica Petcu, A. 2011) Knowledge Transfer – The Key to Drive Innovation for Service Organizations Excellence. Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, (4), p. 44-53. †¢Maleyeff, J. (2006) Exploration of internal service systems using lean principles. Management Decision, 44 (5), p. 674-689. †¢Piercy, N. and Rich, N. (2009) High quality and low cost: the lean service centre. European Journal of Marketing, 43 (11/12), p. 1477-1497. †¢Slack, N. et al. (2011) Essentials of Operations Management. Harlow: Prentice Hall Financial Times, p. 1-318.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Reading Assessment Essay

In chapter 7, Taking Notes From Reading Material, my scores for the pre- assessment (550) and the post assessment (750) increased slightly. One process that made my score increase was that I initially did not understand how to effectively highlight my material. Highlighting is so very critical because a person could waste time and energy when they could be doing other assignments. For a moment I thought the author had gone back into time and took a look at my notes from yesteryears. I was a perfect example of a passive learner who would highlight un-important phrases and sentences until I had a colored a lot of nothing. Active learners highlight less and try to grasp as much as they can while reading, thus avoiding re-reading. The highlighting issue was definitely a weakness of mine, but I will apply the techniques from the text to curb that problem. While not a great highlighter I can say that my note taking ability has always been a strong suit for me. I plan on taking some steps from the lesson to improve on that as well. Effective note taking saves time and makes learning easier to retain. 3 In Chapter 8, Improving Reading Comprehension, my pre-assessment scores (550) and my post assessment scores (650) are almost identical. I believe that to be because most of the reading I had never experienced before or it could have been due to the fact that I have been out of school a very long time. Nevertheless, there are certainly some habits that I need to build upon to improve my personal reading comprehension. Knowing your purpose and reading responsibility is very important while learning. A person’s reading purpose could be for their own greater good, to just challenge themselves, or to just be intent. One’s reading responsibility allows you to be able to answer questions during an exam or just keeping for use later on. If a person doesn’t have a purpose or responsibility they have no direction and time is wasted. I did learn that being more engaged helps me learn better. In Chapter 9, Revving Up Your Reading, my scores for the pre-assessment (350) and the post assessment (600) nearly doubled. This was in result to the fact that speed reading is totally new to me. I have never experienced or taught how to speed read so this is a new learning curve to me. One weakness that I discovered about myself if that I prefer to read moving my lips or out loud slightly. According to the text, talking to yourself while reading tires you out, slows you down, and it limits one’s comprehension. This is a sign of a passive reader, which also is referred to as low gear. Low gear generates 100-300 words per minute. Everyday reading (magazines, newspapers) would be considered as middle gear. This generates 300-600 words per minute. High gear puts out about 600-1000 words per minute and is mostly used for skimming and pre-viewing. 4 The first activity (page 201) helped me understand a few traits that I learned about myself. Though I am a slow reader, I have been able to take good notes, understanding the information and having a fairly wide vocabulary. To keep my mind from wandering I am going to make an attempt to become a faster reader, which should help me focus better and not lull myself into a daze. The phrasing activity (page 241) was a very interesting challenge. Phrasing allows active readers to take a key word or thought and put a slash in between key words or phrases. This allows a person to get information without reading it verbatim. While most passive readers read one word at a time, phrasing allows a person to read more effectively and saving time in the process. My next reading project I plan on using phrasing and becoming a more passionate, engaged reader which in turn helps me retain what I am reading. The steps and ideas that I have learned will enable me to become a better reader who enjoys while learning. Speeding up my reading in addition to my note taking skills should allow me to finish more projects faster and then be able to move on to something else. Reference 5 Beale, A. M. (2007). Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning. Mason OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

The Current Positioning Of Pepsi Corporation Commerce Essay

Pepsi International is a universe renowned trade name. It is a really good organized transnational company, which operates about all over the universe. They produce, one of best carbonated drinks in the universe. Pepsi is a symbol of hygiene, quality and service, all over the universe. Pepsi is bring forthing Cola for more than 100 old ages and it has dominated the universe market for a long clip. Its caput office is in New York. PepsiCo is the 2nd largest nutrient and drink company in the universe. It manufactures markets and sells a assortment of salty, sweet and grain-based bites, carbonated and non-carbonated drinks PepsiCo seeks to accomplish growing and long-run value in its operational activities by making competitory advantages through new merchandise invention.MISSION STATEMENTâ€Å" To be the universe ‘s prime consumer Merchandises Company focused on convenient nutrients and drinks. We seek to bring forth healthy fiscal wagess to investors as we provide chances for growing and enrichment to our employees, our concern spouses and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honestness, equity and unity. †VISION STATEMENTâ€Å" To be the universe ‘s best drink company † . Bing the best agencies supplying outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value, so that their every client is contented and happy with their merchandises. † â€Å" To increase the value of their stockholder ‘s investing through gross revenues growing, cost control and wise investing of resources. †Fact ABOUT THE CompanyPepsi is a USA based public company whose stocks are available in New York. Mountain Dew, acquired by Pepsi-Cola in 1964, switches its advertisement and bundle artworks room bushwhackers to action-oriented scenes. The 3rd Mountain Dew motto appeared in 1973 â€Å" Put A Small Yahoo in Your Life. † PepsiCo acquired Pizza Hut, Inc. Pizza Hut was founded in 1958 by Dan and Frank Carney. Taco Bell is was acquired by Pepsi. Taco Bell was established in the mid 1960s by Glen Bell. PepsiCo purchased Kentucky Fried Chicken, the leader in the speedy service poulet market. KFC was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders. Colonel Sanders began franchising the company in 1952. KFC was spun off along with Pizza Hut and Taco Bell concerns as Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. in 1997. PepsiCo purchases Seven-Up International, the 3rd largest franchise soft drink operation outside the United States SWOT Analysis, which is based on thorough reappraisal of the concern ( corporation, merchandise class competition, clients and merchandises ) , individualities and evaluates the internal strengths and failing of the companies good as its external menaces and chances. The selling mix is driven by the consequences of the SWOT analysis.2.1. StrengthDemand of Pepsi is more than its rivals. Company has a really established name and a good repute. Pepsi has big market portion than its rivals. As the mark clients of Pepsi is immature coevals, so Pepsi has more trade name loyal clients. Most of the clients are satisfied with the monetary value of the Pepsi. Pepsi is an international company and it has a really strong place internationally. The environment of mill is really good and attractive. Pepsi spends a batch of budget on its advertisement. Pepsi has a really huge distribution channel and it is easy available everyplace. Employees are besides motivated. Peoples like the gustatory sensation and quality ofA PepsiA around the universe Pepsi has heavy advertisement and publicity activities Pepsi offers many price reduction strategies for clients clip to clip. Pepsi Cola is patronizing athleticss, musical concerts, walks2.2. WEAKNESSESPepsi does non offer any kind of inducement or price reduction to its retail merchants. Pepsi target merely immature clients in their publicities. Crown of the disposable bottle is non good. Demand of disposal bottle is worsening. Result of low profile or non-existent advertisement Pepsi Sn battalion is non available in far off rural countries. Pepsi is non sing many possible mercantile establishments like hotels, college canteens etc. Most of the drinks supply is restricted to few states. Lack of invention. Lack of popularity of many Pepsi ‘s trade names Health issues2.3. OPPORTUNITIESInvention Company may get down come ining rural countries besides. The company may besides diversify its concern in some other possible concern. Launch healthy drinks Increase mineralA waterA gross revenues Increased involvement of people in musical groups, cultural shows and athleticss has provided an chance for Pepsi to increase its gross revenues through them. Overtake rivals Increase Awareness plans New engineerings that entree efficiencies. Launch otherA PepsiA discrepancies in the untapped states.2.4. MenaceThe chief rival of the company is the Coca Cola. At the international degree, Pepsi has a really strong competition with Coke. Coke has started its advertizements more efficaciously to increase their demand and it is a really strong menace for Pepsi. New entrants are gainingA market portion Ongoing recession Cola drinks are non good for the wellness so the awareness degree of the people is increasing which is a large menace to the company Decrease in PepsiA brandA value in last few old ages. Some negative wellness consequence Economy instability in 3rd universe states Economic height become stillborn Political instability in few states The monetary values of natural stuffs such as sugar and metals utilizing in fabrication are increasing quickly. Adversary is Thinking Seriously About Textile Sector Market Bounded trade names3.1. Political Factor:Political StabilityWhenever the authorities is considered to be stable, the concern will boom. If there is political stableness in the state the policies and schemes made by Pepsi can be consistent to be implemented. Foreign companies are besides acute to put in those states which are politically stable where they have no fright of diminution in their market portion or close down due to sudden alteration of authorities.Assorted EconomyIn assorted economic system authorities and private sector both plays their function in developing the economic system of the state. Investing by foreign companies like Pepsi is more likely to boom in assorted economic system.Laws FormulationGovernment has given transcript rights to Pepsi so that another company can non sell their merchandise by the name of Pepsi. The states where Torahs are formulated, the schemes and activities of the company are different.Social ResponsibilityPepsi ‘s societal duty is to supply its clients with clean and hygienic merchandise so to make this they have increased the usage of disposable bottles.3.2. Economic Factor:Income and Income per CapitaIf the income degree or per capita income of the people increases, it will hold a positive consequence on the ingestion of Pepsi.InflationIf the state faces inflationary tendency in the market, the monetary value of the Pepsi will finally increase which will take down its demand.Consumption BehaviorUnited Kingdom and other states are ingestion oriented societies. Due to demonstration consequence the people are more inclined towards ingestion than salvaging. So the people spent to a great extent on nutrient points. Hence Pepsi has a good market portion in the present fortunes.Income DistributionIt means how much is in the custodies of rich and hapless category. In World 10 % rich people posses 93 % of wealth and 90 % people posses 7 % of wealth. If there is balanced distribution of income in the state, the ingesti on of the people will increase hence increasing the gross revenues of drinks every bit good.Payment ModAs the usage of fictile money is increasing the ingestion form of the people are increasing. Although it will hold a low affect on the ingestion of Pepsi.Employment OpportunitiesAs employment chances increase the living criterion of the people addition and the people consume more.Aggregate DemandIn instance of Pepsi, aggregative demand of the merchandise increases in the season of summer as the hot conditions makes the consumers want to imbibe more.Aggregate SupplyIn summer season to get by up with the increasing demand they have to increase the aggregative supply of their merchandise.Economic PoliciesSome of the economic policies which can impact the market of Pepsi are discussed below:Fiscal PolicyIt is the policy of revenue enhancements. If heavy revenue enhancement is levied on Pepsi so its monetary value will lift holding negative consequence on its ingestion.Monetary PolicyMo netary policy is made to curtail or increase the supply of money in the market. If policies are made to curtail the flow of money in the market, rising prices can be controlled therefore increasing the existent income of the people which will finally impact the ingestion of Pepsi.Monetary value PolicyIf monetary value of Pepsi is increased its demand will diminish and frailty versa.Income PolicyIf income of the people will increase their buying power will increase and therefore increasing the market portion of Pepsi?3.3. SOCIAL FACTORS:PsychographicIt is a combination of demographic and psychological factors. Psychological properties mean how you perceive things. The company will concentrate on the behaviour of consumers and do different alterations in their merchandise measure or quality and in advancing their merchandise so that they can pull the clients. Keeping in position that the behaviour of different consumers is non alike they have to do their selling schemes in conformity with their demands so that they are convinced to purchase the merchandise.ReligiousReligious factors can act upon the market gross revenues of Pepsi as it happened in 2003 when the U.S-led onslaught on Iraq, broad subdivisions of society in Pakistan have banned American multinationals Coke and PepsiSocial StatusPepsi is a good celebrated trade name. Peoples who are trade name witting will non imbibe drinks of lesser known trade names. They will seek to demo their position by imbibing Pepsi which is known to all as a quality drink.MediaIt is a really of import factor for selling. Media these yearss is a really effectual manner of animating people to purchase a specific merchandise. A good publicity can tout up gross revenues to a great extent.3.4. Technological Factor:Research and DevelopmentThrough research and development quality of the merchandise can be improved or better techniques or machinery can be developed which can increase the production. When engineering is advance the s upply of the merchandise addition hence the company experiences growing in their concern. Pepsi operates in about all the states and these are besides technological factors: Introduction of tins and plastic Bottles Newer and attractive DesignsA State-of-the-art workss Ad3.5. OTHERS Factors:3.5.1. DEMOFGRAPHIC Factor:AgeThe demands of different age groups are different. Pepsi should aim that age group that consumes it the most and do promotional schemes harmonizing to their behaviour. So their chief mark is the immature coevals.EducationA company has to do promotional schemes maintaining in position the client degree. If the per centum of instruction is high in a state so through advertizements people can be made good cognizant of their merchandise and can convey their message easy. Promotion and instruction has a direct relationship.Population DistributionPopulation distribution means how much [ population lives urban countries and rural countries. Pepsi is concentrating on urban countries as people there are more inclined towards such drink while people in rural countries are more inclined imbibing desi drinks.3.5.2. Physical Factor:RegionWorld is divided into different geographical parts. Selling and gross revenues of Pepsi is different in diffe rent geographical parts. In hot countries its demand is more.City SizeThe metropoliss which are dumbly populated the ingestion of Pepsi is more.ClimatePepsi is more suited for humid or hot weather-beaten states. It is a beginning of refreshment when a individual is 30 due to the hot conditions.InfrastructureRoadss are the basic demand for transit of Pepsi from one topographic point to another. Pepsi can non open mills in every metropolis so it has to transport it to other metropoliss where Pepsi is demanded. Electricity is the basic necessity for production of any merchandise. Changeless burden casting slows down the procedure of production which leads to less production and low market portion. The selling universe is full of surprises. Who could conceive of that Coca Cola would be overtaken by Pepsi? If Coke could be overrun by Pepsi, it would be no admiration that Pepsi might be overtaken by some other drink. The demand so is to unite quality with inventiveness. Along with that, the repute of the company has to be kept robust. Today we live in a fast moving universe where freshness and newness count a batch. One can non rest on one ‘s awards. Fresh attempts, newness of attack must stay the central rules of a well orchestrated selling scheme and the run must be relentless. A uninterrupted barrage in advertizement would convert the clients that Pepsi is a portion of their lives. In order to populate with manner, Pepsi ought to be an indispensable ingredient of one ‘s life. The Pepsi is at its adulthood phase and the gross revenues of company are non turning really quickly. Company is making a batch of promotional activities to allow the merchandise remain in the market. It holds a big portion of the market and whenever the gross revenues province worsening, the company can better it by different promotional activities. Sellers of Pepsi can seek to better gross revenues by bettering one or more selling mix elements. They can cut monetary values to pull new users and rival ‘s clients. They can besides establish a better advertisement run or usage aggressive gross revenues publicity to better the gross revenues. Therefore, Pepsi is at its adulthood phase. Pepsis, the pick of Generation next is non supplying the first pick of immature coevals. A immature coevals wants something strong in cold drinks & A ; therefore prefers Thumsup. Pepsi should come out with some excess strong gustatory sensation to catch up maximal immature coevals & A ; to go precisely Generation Next drink. Company should name competent & A ; honest salesman so that they could supply strategies to the full retail merchant ‘s & A ; cover their full path. It is frequently seen that some salesman do non adumbrate strategies to the retail merchant & A ; few of the retail merchants complained about it. So there should be frequent visits of Customer Executives to their several countries to maintain the tradesmans benefited with assorted strategies. Delay in get downing of supply new waves from several terminal should be checked & amp ; a proper clip registry should be maintained. Most of the retail merchants are kicking about non-fulfillment of committednesss sing their sampling. Company should do certain that the retail merchants get the sampling on clip so that they are satisfied. Most of the retail merchants are kicking about hold & A ; no replacing of burst bottles. Marketing Management should screen some solutions to this major job of replacing burst bottles. One-half filled bottles should besides be checked at the clip of issue of goods from the distributer ‘s travel down to the several paths. Company should seek to give some recognition installation to the distributers so that they get motivated. Credit installation for retail merchants should be provided. Proper feedback system should be developed by guaranting regular visits & A ; look into indiscriminately at the assorted mercantile establishments Pepsi is a good renowned company and it has maintained its place good by understanding the client psychological science, by guaranting quality, by presenting inventiveness in merchandises, by enlarging its merchandise base, by maintaining economic factors in position and by intense and jazzy advertizements. Whenever and where of all time there is a spotlight event, Pepsi must calculate in, like the cricket and football lucifers between any state and many other such occasions. The cardinal word for success in the Marketing World is to â€Å" stay in the limelight † and that is what Pepsi is making. SWOT Analysis of Pepsi, which is based on thorough reappraisal of the concern ( corporation, merchandise class competition, clients and merchandises ) , individualities and evaluates the internal strengths and failing of the company good as its external menaces and chances.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PROJECT CENSORED Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PROJECT CENSORED - Assignment Example Due to the fact that the media heaped such a high degree of praise on these individuals that were working to employ acts of terrorism to overthrow a government, it begged the question as to why the Western press was so single-minded on the approach to this issue. This brief analysis will consider a solitary news report from the Telegraph and juxtapose this with the information that other news outlets continued to put forward to their viewership on a daily basis. Due to the fact that censorship takes a variety of forms, it will be the purpose of this brief analysis to consider how and why the main media outlets willingly chose to ignore such a massive story as the one which the Telegraph related. To briefly summarize the time period in which this article came out, the reader should understand that tensions within the Middle East had been fomenting as a result of the Arab Spring. Although it will not be the goal of this essay to discuss whether the Arab Spring was in and of itself a po pular uprising of the people groups of Middle Eastern nations or the manufactured malcontent that Washington is famous for inspiring, it should however be considered the extent and scope within which the United States was involved in the Libyan uprising from its earliest days in Benghazi. At the point that this article was published, the Libyan uprising had been ongoing for a period of around 2 months. The article itself was titled, â€Å"Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links† and published on the 25 of March 2011. Although such an admission may seem banal, the fact of the matter was that this firsthand statement from the opposing side worked to affirm the similar statements that then Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had been advocating since the rebels began engaging in terrorism in Benghazi back in February of the same year. Due to the overall unpopularity of such a viewpoint, the article was practically the only one of its time. However, the fact that a premier Libyan Revolutionary would openly admit to a Western news source that his fighters had known Al Qaeda linkages was a news story that the mainstream press was none too interested in putting forward as the entire political spectrum within the United States supported NATO action within Libya to overthrow the stable and long-standing government of Gaddafi (Swami 2011). It is not the purpose of this analysis to put forward why such a news story was itself inherently offensive to the Western media so much so that such a bombshell news story could go practically unnoticed, however, one could safely surmise that the powerful interests behind the scenes (oil companies and a plethora of other MNCs) wished Gaddafi to be toppled so that they may have new markets for their products. Similarly, due to the fact that only a handful of major conglomerates own a lion’s share of the Western media, it is somewhat surprising that such a story made it into the mainstream press whatsoeve r; if only for such a brief and unnoticed article. The fact that Al Qaeda openly supported the Libyan rebels was no secret to those that carefully followed the revolution. Gaddafi as well as key observers had been frenetically attempting to warn the West before they bandwagoned together and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Napoleon Bonaparte Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Napoleon Bonaparte - Research Paper Example This research paper describes life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Many historians appreciate and acknowledge Napoleon as one of the best and great men of all time. He was ruler of the French who strengthened and institutionalized a lot of restructuring of the French Revolution, that occurred during 1789 to 1799. Napoleon, even today, is considered to be one of the best military commanders of all time. This research pape is very well-structured and divided in 6 parts. The researche focuses most on describing Napoleon Bonaparte’s place in history, explores his controversial status as a hero or a villain, described Napoleon Bonaparte's years at St. Bernard and also deeply analyzed the biggest mistake in his life - the Russian Campaign. In this research paper full presentation on the Russian Campaign is given. It mentiones some important facts, such as Napoleon's confidence that he would win, the number of troops he had, war strategies that was used both by him and by Russians and his defeat. In conclusion of this research paper, author states that without the changes that Napoleon brought into effect in many countries, these nations might still be in the national devastation that they were prior to Napoleon taking over. The French revolution aroused and floated new ideas pertaining to parity, justice, liberty, and the very nature of social contact. Author concludes that the heroic efforts of Napoleon not only in battle, but also in the French society as a result of the French revolution should be remembered forever.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How political, economic, and other ideologies affect America, China, Essay

How political, economic, and other ideologies affect America, China, and Japan's societies - Essay Example The rise of China also presented strategic challenges to Japan, and the effects were deepened by the economic recession – necessitating the painful restructuring and reform of the economy and system. Areas requiring restructuring include that the Japanese economy is suffering from the effects of an aging society. The US economy, similar to that of Japan, suffered from stock market and real estate bubbles that deflated, ushering in an anaemic growth (Wiseman and Ellig 866). The US is facing a similar fate as Japan, mainly because low interest rates and monetary measures have hindered the proliferation of imbalances. This paper will compare and contrast the economic systems of America, Japan and China, and also explore the effects of their respective economic, political and other ideologies. The similarities between the two countries include that the national cultures and the economic ideologies of the three countries are predominantly shaped by their historical values and national heritage. For example, individualistic values are more predominant in the US and in China; the collective outlook is predominant (Ralston et al. 9). On the other hand, Japan has an individualistic-inclined economic ideology, but a collectivist national culture, which distinguishes it from the rest. The second area of similarity between the three is that individual work values have been shaped by their cultural and social heritage. For example, in China, poor performance at work is not enough grounds to fire an employee, the case of Japan is relatively less extreme and in the US, the individualistic outlook makes it very easy for one to lose employment due to poor performance (Ralston et al. 10). Despite the fact that the Chinese and the Japanese share many characteristics, including religion, philosophy and culture, some political and economic-based factors make the two societies distinctive. To start with, Japan and China

Friday, July 26, 2019

Define and analyse the key features of global brands. What strategies Essay

Define and analyse the key features of global brands. What strategies should global brands adopt to be successful internationall - Essay Example The paper comprehensively explores the features of global brands along with the strategies adopted by successful global brands. 2. Features and strategies of successful global brands Various lists of top global brands have been accomplished. Companies such as Coca Cola, Sony, Microsoft, Google and IBM have since long been ranked as the top global firms. Managers are, therefore, confronted with the question of what features distinguish successful global brands from the rest? According to one study, various factors have been identified. Firstly, almost all successful global brands have dominant sales positions in their home market (Quelch, 1999). Even though these companies may be popular internationally, it is the home market sales that form their backbone. Secondly, global brands, by definition, are recognized in almost every part of the world and have at least some sales in these areas (Quelch, 1999). In other words, global brands achieve a â€Å"geographical balance† as far as their sales are concerned. ... Next, global brands must have consistency as far as their brand image and positioning is concerned. In other words, they must be perceived in a similar way by customers and must not have conflicting images in customers’ minds. For instance, Disney connotes identical family values across the globe (Quelch, 1999). Furthermore, most successful global brands have the same brand name as their corporate name. Although exceptions exist, this strategy allows such firms to gain greater awareness and stronger and consistent brand identity across the globe. However, global corporate giants such as Unilever and P&G could practically not use a single brand name owing to the myriad of brands under their umbrella. Next, most global brands are known for making something or being associated with a single product category. For instance, Microsoft is best known for its Windows software, Coca Cola has been associated with the Coke beverage and Phillip Morris has been associated with cigarettes. E ven, companies such as Samsung that have diversified their product offerings may stand holistically for product categories such as electronics. Finally, the country of origin effect plays a crucial role in making brands global (Pharr, 2005). Brands such as Mc Donald’s or Marlboro, for instance, reflect the American lifestyle and customer values of Americans. These values in turn drive greater brand loyalty towards the brand. This is exactly where global brands become recognized by virtue of their association with customers of a particular (home) country. For instance, Japanese electronics, French perfumes and German cars all enjoy country of origin effect (Quelch, 1999). Consistency in brand image of global brands is quintessential to deliver a coherent marketing message across the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Summary about Oklahoma movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary about Oklahoma movie - Essay Example Despite the fact Laurey wants to show she does not care so much about Curly, she is in love with him. They finally decide to go together, but because Laurey is afraid of Jud she suddenly changes her mind. At the box-social, Curly pays the biggest price in a contest over Laurey’s food box. He has sold what he owned and was able to pay $42.31, quite a big sum for that time (the beginning of the 20th century). In three weeks, Curly and Laurey are to marry. Their merry event is overshadowed by Jud’s drunk intrusion. Jud breaks in and threatens his ex-rival with a knife. A brawl starts. Jud falls on his own knife and dies. Curly is acquitted of Jud’s murder and the newlyweds ride off on their exciting honeymoon. The second pair, Ado Annie and Will Parker, too, get married at the end despite Ado was about to change her mind. Specifically, Will wanted to marry Ado, but had to get the sum of $50 just because her father said so. When he returns from the fair in Kansas-city, he finds out that he has to compete for Ado’s affection with Ali Hakim, a Persian peddler. While Will was away, Ado fell for Hakim who was just flirtatious but did not mean to marry her. Ado’s father insists that Hakim marry Ado as he sees his flirt, at the same time Will has lavishly spent his $50 on gifts. Because Hakim, a ladies’ man, does not want to marry Ado and thinks it will be good if Will did, he pays him $50 for his presents, which is the way for Will to win Ado’s hand. Finally, Will and Ado get together to discuss their future prospects, i.e. their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Operations Mnagement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Operations Mnagement - Case Study Example The need for operations managers to reduce manufacturing costs, optimize productivity and improve product quality in order to stay in the market has become imperative. Many organizations now recognize the importance of automation, optimization of scheduling and a proper inventory management system, and are incorporating total quality management and total quality in their operations. Today, the ordinary customer has become more sophisticated and demanding, and expects more variety, lower costs and better quality. Customers therefore drive demand and the industry has to meet this demand. Inter-firm rivalry and competition have also increased manifold. In line with these changes, organizations are replacing production-driven systems involving mass production, by market-driven systems to enable them to corner market share. This scenario has increased the importance of operations management in an organization, as it is directly responsible for the final product. As a result, operations management is gaining more significance and has become a key discipline in management science. Until recently, the field of operations of management was considered relevant only to the manufacturing sector. But with the increasing influence of service industries, the scope of operations management has widened. ... Controlling Directing Coordinating The following are the activities carried out by the Operations Manager. 1. Planning: Plan product and service mix Location and capacity planning Decide upon production methods to use for each item. Plan procurement of equipment. 2. Organizing: Centralize or decentralize operations. Decide upon functions, products, or hybrid organization structure. Establish work center assignments. Assign responsibility for every activity. 3. Controlling: Encourage pride in performing as expected. Compare costs to budget. Compare actual labor hours to standards. Inspect the quality levels. 4. Directing: Establish provisions of union contracts. Establish personnel policies. Establish employment contracts. Issue job assignments and instructions. 5. Coordinating: Coordinate through use of common forecasts and master schedules. Observe actual performance and recommend needed improvement. Report, inform and communicate. Respond to customer inquiries about status of orders. [ ICMR, 2003] In order to succeed in all the above activities, an operations manager should have both technical and behavioral skills. Budget Airlines - What are they' There has been a revolutionary increase in the number of low-cost airline which are otherwise called the budget airlines in the aviation industry over the last few years. The budget airlines are usually operators who provide low-cost travel options for the passengers. The budget airlines try and cut the indirect costs to the maximum possible extent. Passengers are not offered wet towels, meals etc. Sometimes it may even happen that they do not even offer water to the passengers flying the budget airlines. [(Phillip), 2002] Scheduled airlines are regular airlines that offer considerably high-cost air

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had Research Paper

What influences that Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir have had on the perception of French intellectual - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the philosophy of existentialism with Jean as its proponent is base d on the universal existence and personal decision making of individuals. It is crucial to note that it stresses that people are entirely at liberty and as such, they hold the full responsibility of what they make of themselves. Thus, the two philosophical propositions endeavor to examine the impacts they had in the French intellectual platform as the core mandate of this paper. The French society, both informed and non-informed, was characterized by a sense of subjugation of the female gender which was always referred to as being second to the ‘other’. This is exemplified by virtue of the roles played by the two genders and female scholars’ perception of the apparently prevalent male chauvinism. With a closer reference to Simone’s publication of the Second Sex, it is evident that the first the first wave of feminism is characterized by female suffrage and property ownership rights (Sartre, 2015). The feministic approach put forward by Simone influence .the belief of the French intellectuals to belief in the inclusion of sexuality, reproduction rights, work affairs and familial restructuring to be part of the second wave of the feministic agenda. This was mainly aimed at widening the scope of rights that the female gender wanted to enjoy if their struggle for equality would be fruitful thereof. Additionally, the two philosophical works influenced the determination of the female gender to acquire radical freedom. This kind of radical freedom is further cemented by Jean Jean’s assertion of living in ‘bad faith’. Bad faith here is an assumption that people allow themselves to be ruled by principles that are imposed on them from the outside world. This formed the foundation of the second wave of feminism in which the French

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

BUSINESS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT LBSEC2051 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BUSINESS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT LBSEC2051 - Essay Example Similarly, a fall in the price of a particular item shows a rise in the demand for that item. On a graph, a fall in price will show an inward shift of demand curve and a rise in the prices will show an outward shift of the demand curve. The diagram below shows a fall in demand due to a price rise. Figure 2 Shift in Demand – This happens when the demand of a particular item rises or falls due to various factors which include an increase or decrease in the number of consumers; an increase or decrease in the prices of substitute products and complements; a change in consumer incomes (ability to afford that particular item); changes in tastes and preferences of consumers; and price expectations. On a graph, a rise in demand is shown as an outward shift while a fall in demand is shown as an inward shift of the demand curve. [McConnell, Brue, Flynn, 2009] Shift in Supply – This happens when the supply of a particular item rises or falls due to various factors which include an increase or decrease in the prices of the resources used to manufacture that item or render a particular service; an increase in technology which is more likely to increase the supply; an increase or decrease in the number of suppliers; and a rise or fall in the price of a substitute or a complement item. ... For any business, its risk management will be naturally concerned with avoiding such negative factors which could kill the business. Therefore, the first task for any such manager is to identify what might potentially harm GoFast Airlines in the future. Prices of Fuel As a strategist, the first factor to consider is the rising prices of fuel, which is the most important raw material for any form of a travel company today. With the increasing fuel prices, GoFast will naturally have to increase fair prices to cover the costs, while still competing with giants like British Airways which have been there since a longer time and are more financially secure. Higher prices may cause a fall in demand for air travel which can directly reduce the number of fares for GoFast Airlines, as which happened with Singapore Airlines earlier in 2011 [Singapore Business News (SBN), 2011]. This will directly affect their low-price flights approach which, mixed with quality service, gained them the customer base they have today. Economic Recession Economic recession is potentially the most important economic factor which could affect the profitability and the market leadership of GoFast Airlines. In times of economic recession, the consumer’s purchasing power is weaker. In such times, although important corporate business trips may be made anyway, the smaller business may think twice before making an expensive trip. Most importantly, however, leisure trips are more likely to decrease in greater numbers in time of recession than business trips. Even in this situation, the consumer would be able to afford lesser than before and this will affect the number of fares. The demand will naturally fall for flights and so will GoFast’s sales and profitability [Milmo,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Currency War Between China and Usa Essay Example for Free

Currency War Between China and Usa Essay Currency War: Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country. Imports become more expensive too, so domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in demand both at home and abroad. However, the price increase in imports can harm citizens purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can lead to a general decline in international trade, harming all countries. Reasons of Currency War Between USA and China: Competitive devaluation has been rare through most of history as countries have generally preferred to maintain a high value for their currency,but it happens when devaluation occur. China keeps its dollar artificially low so that countries like the US will buy its goods. China is the USs largest trading partner and if they didnt sell their goods for super cheap, markets like India would be able to under cut the Chinese and then the US would buy goods from Indian instead of China. There is so much trade between China and the US that China profits immensely without needing its Yuan to appreciate. This of course hurts the average Chinese person in that their labour is devalued but it beneficial for the country as a whole as it has quickly become a super power economicaly. In 2008, a trader paid one Ghana Cedi for one U.S. dollar, but at the beginning of April 2012, the same trader travelling to Dubai paid GH ¢1.74 for one U.S. dollar. This means that year-on-year decline in the value of cedi against the US dollar was 74 per cent over a three-year period. A point to note is that during the global economic crises of 2008-2009, the cedi depreciated by 25 per cent against the dollar. Between 2010 and 2011, the cedi again depreciated 18.5 per cent against the US dollar. For last month, the cedi exchange rate depreciated 4.29 percent against the US dollar. So is the current downward slide in the cedi value as a result of the slowdown in the global economy or due to internal structural weaknesses? This question requires a detailed research work beyond the scope of this article but it is a very relevant question to ask at this time. In economics, depreciation is basically the symptoms of an underlying problem, specifically imbalances in the Balance of Payment (BOP), emanating from excess demand for dollars. So instead of discussing the depreciating cedi, I will rather focus my attention on the causes or factors that cause currency to depreciate and what the government can do to arrest this problem in special cases. Before then, I must let readers know the difference between currency fluctuation and depreciation. Fluctuations in currency value are a common event and are usually no cause for concern. The minor daily increases and decreases in value are generally due to â€Å"random walk† and not due to an economic event or fundamental problems. However, changes in currency value become significant when the decline in value of the currency is an ongoing trend. Technically, when currency depreciates, it loses value and purchasing power, with impact on the real sectors of the economy. Although, the economic effects of a lower cedi take time to happen, there are time lags between a change in the exchange rate and changes in commodity prices. Factors that determine the value of a currency include the current state of the overall economy, inflation, trade balance (the difference between the value of export and import), level of political stability, etc. Occasionally, external factors like currency speculations on the foreign exchange market can also contribute to depreciation of the local currency. Such being the case, a government can intervene into the foreign exchange market to support its national currency and suppress the process of depreciation. Currency depreciation can positively impact the overall economic development, though. It boosts competitiveness through lower export costs and secures more income from exported goods in a similar way devaluation does. On the contrary, depreciation makes imports more expensive and discourages purchases of imported goods stimulating demand for domestically manufactured goods. Globally, governments intentionally influence the value of their currency utilising the powerful tool of the base interest rates, which are usually set by the countrys central bank and this tool is often used to intentionally depreciate the currency rates to encourage exports. Factors that can cause a currency to depreciate are: Supply and Demand †¢ Just as with goods and services, the principles of supply and demand apply to the appreciation and depreciation of currency values. If a country injects new currency into its economy, it increases the money supply. When there is more money circulating in an economy, there is less demand. This depreciates the value of the currency. On the other hand, when there is a high domestic or foreign demand for a countrys currency, the currency appreciates in value. Inflation †¢ Inflation occurs when the general prices of goods and services in a country increase. Inflation causes the value of the cedi to depreciate, reducing purchasing power. If there is rampant inflation, then a currency will depreciate in value. What causes inflation? †¢ Printing Money. Note printing money does not always cause inflation. It will occur when the money supply is increased faster than the growth of real output. †¢ Note: the link between printing money and causing inflation is not straightforward. The money supply does not just depend on the amount the government prints. †¢ Large National Debt. To finance large national debts, governments often print money and this can cause inflation. Economic Outlook If a countrys economy is in a slow growth or recessionary phase, the value of their currency depreciates. The value of a countrys currency also depreciates if its major economic indicators like retail sales and Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, are declining. A high and/or rising unemployment rate can also depreciate currency value because it indicates an economic slowdown. If a countrys economy is in a strong growth period, the value of their currency appreciates. Trade Deficit A trade deficit occurs when the value of goods a country imports is more than the value of goods it exports. When the trade deficit of a country increases, the value of the domestic currency depreciates against the value of the currency of its trading partners. The demand for imports should fall as imports become more expensive. However, some imports are essential for production or cannot be made in the country and have an inelastic demand—we end up spending more on these when the exchange rate falls in value. This can cause the balance of payments to worsen in the short run (a process known as the J curve effect) Collapse of Confidence If there is a collapse of confidence in an economy or financial sector, this will lead to an outflow of currency as people do not want to risk losing their currency. Therefore, this causes an outflow of capital and depreciation in the exchange rate. Collapse in confidence can be due to political or economic factors. Price of Commodities if an economy depends on exports of raw materials, a fall in the price of this raw material can cause a fall in export revenue and depreciation in the exchange rate. For example, in 2011, a ton of cocoa sold for US4,000 per ton. Currently, it is going for US$2,300 per ton, translating into fewer inflows of dollars. Interest rate Differential I will use the International Fischer Effect to explain the relationship between the expected change in the current exchange rate between the cedi and the dollar, which is approximately equivalent to the difference between Ghana and US’ nominal interest rates for that time. For example, if the average interest rate in Ghana for 2011 was 24 per cent and for US was three per cent, then the dollar should appreciate roughly 21 per cent or the cedi must depreciate 21 per cent compared to the dollar to restore parity. The rationale for the IFE is that a country with a higher interest rate will also tend to have a higher inflation rate. This increased amount of inflation should cause the currency in the country with the high interest rate to depreciate against a country with lower interest rates. Market Speculations Market speculations can contribute to a process of spiraling depreciation after smaller market players decide to follow the example of the leading dealers, the so-called market makers, and after they lost confidence in a particular currency start to sell it in bulk amounts. Then only a quick reaction of the countrys central bank can restore the confidence of investors and stop the currency rates of the nations currency from continuous decline. When the currency depreciation is based on market speculations, in other words, not backed by fundamental economic factors, then the central bank comes to the rescue- intervene. A sterilised intervention against depreciation can only be effective in the medium term if the underlying cause behind the currencys loss of value can be addressed. If the cause was a speculative attack based on political uncertainty this can potentially be resolved. Because after a sterilised intervention the money supply remains unchanged at its high level, the locally available interest rates can still be relatively low, so the carry trade continues and if it still wants to prevent depreciation the central bank has to intervene again. This can only go on so long before the bank runs out of foreign currency reserves. In conclusion, currency depreciation is the result of fundamental deficiencies with the domestic economy which must be corrected over a period of time to restore balance. However, where the depreciation is out of speculative attacks on the currency, then the central bank can intervene to correct the temporary anomalies, which, often is short term in nature. Lastly, intervention in the foreign exchange market by the central bank to correct fundamental weaknesses, just like the Ghanaian situation will not work, because, very soon, the central bank will run out of international reserves; hence, the cedi must therefore seek its equilibrium level. The writer is an economic consultant and former Assistant Professor of Finance and Economics at Alabama State University. Montgomery, Alabama. Currency War in the Great Depression During the Great Depression of the 1930s, most countries abandoned the gold standard, resulting in currencies that no longer had intrinsic value. With widespread high unemployment, devaluations became common. Effectively, nations were competing to export unemployment, a policy that has frequently been described as beggar thy neighbour.[30] However, because the effects of a devaluation would soon be counteracted by a corresponding devaluation by trading partners, few nations would gain an enduring advantage. On the other hand, the fluctuations in exchange rates were often harmful for international traders, and global trade declined sharply as a result, hurting all economies. The exact starting date of the 1930s currency war is open to debate.[23] The three principal parties were Great Britain, France, and the United States. For most of the 1920s the three generally had coinciding interests, both the US and France supported Britains efforts to raise Sterlings value against market forces. Collaboration was aided by strong personal friendships among the nations central bankers, especially between Britains Montagu Norman and Americas Benjamin Strong until the latters early death in 1928. Soon after the Wall Street Crash of 1929, France lost faith in Sterling as a source of value and begun selling it heavily on the markets. From Britains perspective both France and the US were no longer playing by the rules of the gold standard. Instead of allowing gold inflows to increase their money supplies (which would have expanded those economies but reduced their trade surpluses) France and the US began sterilising the inflows, building up hoards of gold. These factors contributed to the Sterling crises of 1931; in September of that year Great Britain substantially devalued and took the pound off the gold standard. For several years after this global trade was disrupted by competitive devaluation. The currency war of the 1930s is generally considered to have ended with the Tripartite monetary agreement of 1936.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Hygienic And Healthy Environment

A Hygienic And Healthy Environment Human development can be defined as the process of enlarging peoples choices and improving human capabilities the range of things that they can do or be in life and freedoms so they can live a long and healthy life. The encompasses living a healthy life, being educated, having access to resources and being able to participate in decisions that affect their community. Human development considers the following factors as integral: Equity: Equal opportunities for all. Special emphasis is placed on equity of human development between men and women and various social groups. Empowerment: Freedom of the people to influence, as the subjects of development, decisions that affect their lives. Cooperation: Participation and belonging to communities and groups as a means of mutual enrichment and a source of social meaning. Sustainability: Meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of satisfying the same by future generations. Security: Exercise development opportunities freely and safely with confidence that they will not disappear suddenly in the future. Productivity: Full participation of people in the process of income generation and gainful employment. Since human lives are of a progressive nature, the UNDP proposed the concept of sustainable human development as an alternative development paradigm. The approach regards peoples well-being as the goal of development. Thus Sustainable human development (SHD) is development that places people at the centre of all development activities. The central purpose of SHD is to create an enabling environment in which all human beings lead secure and creative lives. Sustainable human development is directed towards the promotion of human dignity and the realization of all human rights, economic, social, cultural, civil and political. The concept of sustainable development originated with the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report) of 1987 which defined sustainable development as development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Human development is the widening of peoples choices in life. It means having the privilege to choose ones life direction over another because of preference rather than lack of opportunity. Knowledge, health and longevity, livelihood and political freedom provide its bearers with greater chances for a better life. People who are poor, unhealthy and illiterate simply have fewer choices in life. Sustainable human development is concerned with widening choices of people not only of the present generation, but future generations as well. As such, it aims for the regeneration of the environment and natural resources. Within this framework, a Human Development Index (HDI) was conceived to serve as measure of how well a country has performed, not only in terms of real income growth, but also in terms of social indicators of peoples ability to lead a long and healthy life, to acquire knowledge and skills, and to have access to the resources needed to afford a decent standard of living. The HDI looks at three outcomes of development: state of health, level of knowledge and skill, and the level of real income. State of health is reflected in the life expectancy indicator. Life expectancy measures the number of years an infant is expected to live when born in a given year. It best represents and ultimately reflects information on physical safety, nutritional levels, efficacy of health interventions, and other health indicators. To enhance these factors, countries or regions should guide their development strategies towards the gradual creation of an economic, social, political and cultural environment which enhance individual and social capabilities. Progress in Human Development Human development has gone through rapid development over the years. Most people today live longer, are more educated and have more access to goods and services than ever before. Even in economically distressed countries, peoples health and education have improved greatly. The worlds average HDI increased 18 percent between 1990 and 2010 (41 percent since 1970), reflecting large improvements in life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy and income. Almost all countries benefited. Of the 135 countries in our sample for 1970- 2010 (with 92 percent of the worlds people), only three had a lower HDI in 2010 than in 1970. This clearly indicates that poor countries are catching up with rich countries on the HDI, a convergence that paints a far more optimistic picture than do trends in income, where divergence continues. HYGIENIC ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT One requirement for the achievement of a sustainable human development is a favourable environment. The environment provides the arena within which development of any form can take place. This realization is so crucial that a conducive environment is now considered as a right. This stems from the fact that in stating that human beings are at the centre of concern for sustainable development and that they are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony and nature Under the right to a healthy environment everyone shall have the right to live in a healthy environment and to have access to basic public services. The 1981 African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights was the first human rights treaty to expressly recognize the right of [a]ll peoples to a satisfactory environment favourable to their development. Within Europe , the Organization of Economic and Development (OECD) has stated that a decent environment should be recognized as one of the fundamental human rights. Furthermore the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has drafted the Charter on Environmental Rights and Obligations which affirms the fundamental principle that everyone has the right to an environment adequate for general health and well-being. The fourth and final report of the Special Rapporteur (1994) begins by recapitulating the legal foundations of a right to environment contained in international human rights instruments. It carefully details the impact of environmental degradation on vulnerable groups such as indigenous people, women, children and young people, disabled persons and environmental refugees. It analyses the effects of the environment on the enjoyment of fundamental rights notably: right to self-determination, right to life, right to health, right to food, right to sale and healthy working conditions, right to housing, right to information, right to popular participation, freedom of association, and cultural rights. A very important component of a favourable environment is its Health status. Without this component the other components necessary for achieving a sustainable human development cannot be attained. It is therefore necessary that all activities which contribute to attaining and maintaining a healthy environment, the most crucial of which is hygiene should be adhered to, to ensure sustainable human development. Healthy and Hygienic Environment Health, according to the WHO is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The idea of health is capable of both wide and narrow application, and can be negatively as well as positively defined. This by extension means that we can be in good health and poor health. A lay definition of health, illness and medicine refer to a wide range of events and experiences, and ideas about sicknesses and health. These are bound to contain tensions and contradictions, as well as ambivalence about the role of medical treatments in dealing with them (Williams and Calnan 1996: 17). These contradictions have been a major cause of concern which health providers always try to correct. Determinants of health The health of individual people and their communities are affected by a wide range of contributory factors. Peoples good or bad health is determined by their environment and situations what is happening and what has happened to them. According to the WHO the following determinants probably have a bigger impact on our health than access and use of health care services: Socioeconomic status the higher a persons socioeconomic status is, the more likely he/she is to enjoy good health. The link is a clear one. Socioeconomic status affects all members of the family, including newborn babies. Education people with lower levels of education generally have a higher risk of experiencing poorer health. Their levels of stress will most likely be higher, compared to people with higher academic qualifications. A person with a high level of education will probably have higher self-esteem Physical environment if your water is clean and safe, the air you breathe is pure, your workplace is healthy, your house is comfortable and safe, you are more likely to enjoy good health. Job prospects and employment conditions if you have a job, statistics show you are more likely to enjoy better health than people who are unemployed. If you have some control over your working conditions your health will benefit too. Support from people around you if you have family support, as well as support from friends and your community your chances of enjoying good health are far greater than somebody who has none of these things. Culture the traditions and customs of a society and how a family responds to them play an important role in peoples health. The impact could be either good or bad for health. E.g. The tradition of genital mutilation of women has an impact on infection rates and the mental health of millions of girls and women in many countries Genetic inheritance peoples longevity, general health, and propensity to certain diseases are partly determined by their genetic makeup. Children stand a high likelihood of suffering from diseases which their parents suffered from. What we do and how we manage what we eat, our physical activity, whether or not we smoke or drink or take drugs, and how we cope with stress play an important role on our physical and mental well-being. It can be realized from the points above that most of the determinants of health are factors resulting from our behavior as human beings. One key behavior which affects our nation and has been a cause of many epidemics are our habits relating to hygiene. A cursory look around town shows the extent to which filth has engulfed our communities and which has been the cause of outbreaks of Cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases which has resulted in a number of deaths. For sustainable human development to be achieved therefore the maintaince of a healthy and hygienic environment is key. Hygiene encompasses conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. Diseases resulting from poor hygiene is one of the top three killer diseases in developing countries, claiming the lives of more than three million children a year. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines environment, as it relates to health, as all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related behaviors. Environmental health consists of preventing or controlling disease, injury, and disability related to the interactions between people and their environment. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behaviour not related to environment, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics. The phrase he althy environment encompasses many meaning but it is used commonly to refer to the human environment that would result in few risks such as disease or health hazards. It essentially involves utilizing the surrounding conditions with little improving effects upon it. The WHO has provided 10 facts on how improving environmental sanitation can impact our lives: Worldwide, 13 million deaths could be prevented every year by making our environments healthier. In children under the age of five, one third of all disease is caused by the environmental factors such as unsafe water and air pollution. Every year, the lives of four million children under 5 years mostly in developing countries could be saved by preventing environmental risks such as unsafe water and polluted air. In developing countries, the main environmentally caused diseases are diarrhoeal disease, lower respiratory infections, unintentional injuries, and malaria. Better environmental management could prevent 40% of deaths from malaria, 41% of deaths from lower respiratory infections, and 94% of deaths from diarrhoeal disease three of the worlds biggest childhood killers. In the least developed countries, one third of death and disease is a direct result of environmental causes. In developed countries, healthier environments could significantly reduce the incidence of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, lower respiratory infections, musculoskeletal diseases, road traffic injuries, poisonings, and drownings. Environmental factors influence 85 out of the 102 categories of diseases and injuries listed in The world health report. Much of this death, illness and disability could be prevented through well targeted interventions such as promoting safe household water storage, better hygiene measures and the use of cleaner and safer fuels. Other interventions that can make environments healthier include: increasing the safety of buildings; promoting safe, careful use and management of toxic substances at home and in the workplace; and better water resource management. The above shows how human development can improve through improved environmental hygiene. Improved environmental hygiene can be improved through various means including 1: Relationship between health n sustainable development Among the principal remits of the health sector is to safeguard the publics well-being by ensuring a sound, healthy physical and social environment, one that enables sustainable human development-understood to mean improvement of material conditions to respond to the needs of the present generation without jeopardizing the ability to respond to those of future generations-and that protects the most vulnerable members of society. Towards that end, the health sector collaborates with other sectors-the environment, labor, agriculture, and education, among others. Moreover, it behooves local communities, countries, and the international alliances, each on its own and all together, to both monitor and counter the many causes of environmental degradation. Inequities-in education, employment, health, and political rights-affect individuals susceptibility to environmental impacts and can result in significant dis- ease and death. Other influences include globalization, governmental reforms, the privatization of services, the vagaries of the labor market, and uncontrolled urbanization. A consensus prevails that sustainable human development depends on reducing poverty while protecting and promoting health. A case in point is water and sanitation: as urban populations increase, so too does the demand for drinking water and sewage and solid waste disposal services. Dispari- ties between urban-center and urban-periphery populations and between urban and rural populations in ac- cess to those services and in exposure to environmental risks compound the vulnerability of the poor. Accelerated, unplanned growth of the industrial sector is a direct cause of biological, chemical, and physical contamination; it increases transportation and energy consumption, produces more wastes, and ren- ders their disposal inadequate. Industrialization, coupled with the untoward effects attributed in recent years to climate change, is resulting in the deterioration of the environment and of peoples quality of life and health. Production processes-the extraction of raw materials, their transformation into products, the con- sumption of those products, the elimination of industrial wastes, and the use of pesticides in agriculture and forestry-pose direct and indirect physical and chemical risks to populations. Mining, petroleum exploration, agrochemical farming, hospitals, health centers and laboratories, energy plants, and industrial manufactur- ers are among the biggest producers of dangerous chemical and solid wastes. The consumption of goods and services poses a major challen ge to environmental management in terms of controlling risks and promoting health. Since the home and the workplace are peoples primary environments, adequate housing and working conditions are as important to ensure their good health as is the larger environment. A major problem is that of rural communities where the poor are particularly exposed to health risks, especially those living in endemic areas plagued by vector-borne diseases-Chagas, malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. Another set of problems relates to changes in the work profile and in the working population wrought by globalization, regional inte- gration, trade liberalization, structural adjustments and privatization, and social policies-all of which greatly impact the living conditions and health of the working population and lead to increased inequities. Most wor- risome in this respect are the increasing proportions of children and elderly in the workforce. Along with greater poverty, social inequity, and urbanization, the breaking up of family and commu- nity structures fosters unhealthy environments that can lead to likewise unhealthy lifestyles and risky be- haviors at every stage of life. Aggravating those conditions are the persistence of mortality among mothers and children due to poor nutrition, infections, and lack of access to goods and services. A direct link has been drawn between poor diet and chronic diseases: together, nutritional deficiencies and excesses contribute to a double burden of diseases that affect the population at every age. The increase in risky lifestyles and be- haviors-smoking, the consumption of alcohol and drugs, and various forms of violence and accidents-un- derscore the critical need for health promotion strategies. Why we need a hygienic environment Waste disposal anitation is an integral part of health, development, and poverty-reduction strategies. Basic sanitation is the series of ac- tions taken within the human ecosystem to improve water supply services and sanitary wastewater and excreta disposal, solid waste management, household hygiene, and industrial water use in an institutional, legal, and political context in which diverse players from the national, regional, and local levels participate. This series of actions keeps public health and basic sanitation management in permanent interaction. Several countries from the Region incorporate management of these areas into such sec- tors as the environment and housing, whose subsequent coordi- nation with the health sector is essential for achieving sustain- able development. The populations access to drinking water supply, sanitation services, and sanitary disposal of solid waste are analyzed here within the context of the MDGs, public health, and the economic benefits accruing from good health through the achievement of sustainable services of acceptable quality. Critical and emergency situations that have arisen in Latin America and the Caribbean are also addressed. The relationship between health and agriculture is of great im- portance for the well-being and quality of life of the peoples of Food safety The relationship between health and agriculture is of great im- portance for the well-being and quality of life of the peoples of The sustainable production of food and achieving food and nutritional safety in the Regions countries are essential elements for eliminating hunger and reducing poverty. By en- hancing food production, it is possible to increase the availability of animal protein, fruits, and vegetables, as well as increase family incomes and rural job opportunities, thereby improving overall living conditions and the populations health. The eradi- cation of extreme poverty and hunger How to achieve hygienic and healthy environment

Saturday, July 20, 2019

How have Cell Phones Changed Us Socially?

How have Cell Phones Changed Us Socially? Cell phones: How have they changed us socially? Cell Phone is a device through which people can call anyone and they can receive anyone’s call through a geographical area. It can also perform various functions such as Internet browsing, playing music and many more. Can anyone believe right now that there was a time when cell phones didn’t exist? Cell Phones have changed their identity from luxury good to a necessity. This study hence examined how usage of cell phones has impacted people’s life thereby changing their attitude and their behavior. Technology over the past few years has boomed a lot. People nowadays are very much addicted to their mobile phones and that’s affecting their relationship with their friends, family and their closed ones. Remembering that people used letters to get messages back and forth from one person to another. Thereby we added cell phones to our society knowingly or unknowingly. In the beginning telephones were just a mean to contact people whether they were at home when we called or not. Then was the evolution of cell phones. With them we can make and receive calls or send and receive messages in almost any part of the world. Usage of cell phones has subsequently increased in the past decade as it’s lot convenient to message anyone through cellphones rather than sending that person a handwritten note which takes time as well. Year into year cellphones are getting a lot of innovation from one level to the other. Manufacturers keeps on making cell phones that are way better than the old ones. High level of competition even gave a boom and high amount of innovation to this industry. Each And Everyone Is Connected: Around two decades ago if you didn’t answer anyone’s phone call then the most likely reason is that you were not at home but now if you don’t pick up anyone’s phone call then you must be ignoring that person or screening your phone calls or there may be number of other reasons. Cell phones have obviously changed us socially as it’s very easy to connect with anyone we want and that too instantly. Innovations keep on happening in the world in which we live. But it’s upon us how we treat those innovations, positively or negatively. However most of them are double edged and bring with them positives as well as negatives. Cell phones are no different in this case as it brings both the cases alongside. There are many benefits, which emerged with the existence of cell phones, which made life easier and better for the humans. Some of these include increase in knowledge with the help of mobile Internet, better communication with the help of its mobility. There are various negative impacts of cell phones that include death due to talking on cell phones while driving and addiction towards it. Positive Changes in the Society due to Cell Phones: One of the most innovative items of the previous century was telephone and it revolutionized the meaning of the word communication. Earlier than that people used to trust on cumbersome processes to transmit data and information, which was very slow, and it was ineffective as well. If one wanted to send messages urgently it was not possible and other consequences, which gave a boost for inventing something, which was reliable, fast and effective. Therefore it gave a rise for the invention of Telephone. With the invention of telephone people can communicate with each other irrespective of the distance. Telephones exist as they are globally accepted as a mode of communication and because of its uniformity as well. Addition to this, telephones opened up the room for further innovations as well. With Cellphones came the most important invention of modern era, which was Internet. The Internet is a great tool as it allows anyone to find information on any of the imaginable topic in seconds. The Internet allows us to purchase or sell any product anywhere across the globe. It has really changed us socially as nowadays we shop through Internet rather than going to any mall and purchasing the products because we find that to be convenient as well. E-Banking and money transfer could be done with the help of cell phones. As we know, it used to take time and money during the period of traditional mail, which is not the case now as it has been replaced by e-mail. Internet helps us to communicate orally and can make video calls as well, which are cheaper than telephone calls. People can transact business anywhere in the world with the help of cell phones. Students can study for their exams even when they don’t have books with the help of e-books available and by other means as w ell. People can conveniently send their money even when they cannot go to banks and cannot use computers; it is possible with the help of cell phones. It allowed many innovations and it even changed the way people interact in schooling, business and when they communicate personally. We need to deeply examine the advantages we receive from cell phones, which makes our life better. Social Networking is even possible with the help of cell phones; with the help of it people can interact with one another and can create new bonds. There are different kind of people in the world including shy, anti social and various others. Cell phones have many features, which allow shy people to interact with someone on Internet without hesitation and increase their confidence. This way boosts their confidence up and then they can interact with the people outside and meet new people. Moreover no person should feel himself as he is out of the community, social networks with the help of cell phone clears it off. Everyone has the right to talk through any means and they can feel like they are a part of the community. This increases the amount of happiness amongst the people and depressing thoughts about suicides and various negative thoughts stay far away. Some people would suggest that increasing amount of technology might reduce the personal interactions but the case is quite diff erent as people can meet new people with the help of cell phones and it makes social relations stronger. Portability of cell phones even added to the cause, as two people can talk anywhere through the device no matter what the location is. Security could even be enhanced with the help of cell phones since it is not easy to cut down the communication, which is the case with landlines. Parents could communicate with their children under any situations whether there’s an emergency or the other, with the help of it they can get a swift response and escalation of the situation could be prevented. When the Burglars attack the houses can raise the alarm but since they couldn’t control the mobile networks cellphones could come handy during that time. Due to easy acquisition and no maintenance almost each and every house has a cell phone through which they can call ambulance under health crisis and lives can be saved. Adding to this, fire cases could be prevented with calling fire fighters thereby saving the lives and someone’s property. Once computers were used for doing research and other work but now they are used for playing games, Facebook, twitter, online shopping and various other things. Virtually one can do whatever he wants to or buy anything that he wants to with the help of computer. Cell Phones have now became computers on the tips of your hands. One can use many applications through their cell phones, which are very useful for each and every individual. Nowadays one can watch live cricket matches on their cell phones so people don’t tend to watch sitting in a group which really hampers the social relations. Instead of meeting one another nowadays people video chat amongst them through various applications termed Skype, Face Time and various other applications. Applications like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Viber and many more applications has been very helpful to the people who use these through their cell phones and it makes the social relations between people more strong. Negative effects of Cell phone usage: Here are some of the tweets: @Mackin__Hangin: But im out tho somebody snitched at work so now we cant have cell phones on the sales floor smh. @AnotherHollyDay: The awesome power if cell phones: when you need toilet paper so you text someone to bring you a roll. #whycellphoneswereinvented @DangerrrNick: Cell phones let me be in peoples pockets at all times. @sophianguyen_: Yesyes cell phones in class :) All the above tweets suggests that nowadays people rely too much and too heavily on their cell phones. As we see the first and the last tweet are the ones, which are really sad. First off the employees should not be on their cell phones while they are working, as it’s a sign of disrespect towards the customers. It is the case for the last tweet; Students should not be using their cell phones anyways or getting happy about it. Secondly, there is less verbal communication between friends. E.g.: The person cannot yell at his friend who is near him rather he’ll text him for the toilet paper, #whycellphoneswereinvented was not the reason why cell phones were invented but it was for useful reasons. Even the third tweet is pretty much sad, for the beginning there shouldn’t be a thought process and thereafter cell phones shouldn’t be in one’s pocket all the time. Desperation at its heights: How do these things work srsly. #smart #gloves #phone #finger #touch #fashion #knit #hand #simple friction I know but what from?! The above photograph depicts those hand gloves that were specially designed to use cell phones during cold. These gloves were specifically designed to use the touchscreen through the tips with the help of some magical frictional technology. It more apparent that people are dependent on their phones to that point where they cannot choose between having frozen fingers or texting their friends about how cold it is today. It is quite evident that society feels to be connected at all the times and they can go to a far extent for it as well. Desperation is at its finest point. The above photograph proves that how cell phone gives us new ideas to create that kind of technology through which we are always connected. The above-mentioned source helps to specify my topic as it shows the eagerness of the people to use cell phones by any means of technology even when it’s cold. This source is interesting because it proves that people do not even know about the technology they use it because it works. This research is obviously related to those people who live in cold regions. Forbes: The Forbes article gives us very shocking data that says worldwide 3 billion people have mobile service. Just in the U.S around 84% of people have a mobile service. In 2012 around 51% of people said it would be very difficult to give up their cell phones. But in 2002 only 38% of people said it would be difficult. This source takes me to a direction that says maybe cell phones are much of a good thing. However, some businessmen such as Mehtani says, His Phone has not made him happier but has improved his business. This source is connected to those people with mobile phones who spend much of their time, even businessmen that smart phones have really helped too. Psychology Today: This Psychology today article is a study at Baylor and Seton Hall Universities, researchers studied cell phone and text messaging among college aged women and men. College students are the maximum users and most addicted. On an average they send and receive about 109 text messages per day. Ironically there are heavy numbers of chances for social isolation when most of your social life is connected through a cell phone. This information from Psychology today is very sad. However, with this source it helps to take me into a direction where I can really focus on the negatives with cell phone use. Other Bad Sides: Cell phones are also used for kidnapping and blackmailing, capturing blue films or explicit content. There are times when children most importantly youngsters ignore food, parents, relations while texting or sending a message which drastically affects their personal life. On the other hand there are many health issues, which affects the children and they become the direct target. Cell Phones popularity, demand and less security has made them best target for the attackers. Cell phones and Tablets gives users access to e-mail’s, the Internet, GPS Navigation and many more applications but cell phone security has not been up to the mark as it was in computers. High security measures such as Firewall, antivirus and encryption are not present in cell phones and OS of mobile are not as frequently updated as that of computers. Socially as well hackers hack the account thereby sending unwanted messages through our account and then reputation getting spoilt. Most people nowadays cannot function without having their cell phone with them. If a person leaves or forgets his cell phone at home they usually feel â€Å"naked† without it. A cell phone does not only take over learning environments and social events but they are also accused of brain cancer. Cell Phones have gone from just being a means to talk, incase of emergencies or questions to causing fatal car accidents due to people sending a text message with the content ‘LOL’. In todays society with texting and cell phone games, people rarely every spend quality family time anymore, and many accidents and problems are caused because of Cell Phones. If one is more engaged in his cell phone most of the time then sooner or later he will become less socially active and start losing on his relations. Recent advancements in communication technology have enabled billions of people to connect over great distances using mobile phones, yet little is known about how the frequent presence of these devices in social settings influences face-to-face interactions. Studies show that homework is interrupted and children become distracted when they receive notifications of a new chat messages, texts, or emails. Studies have shown that it makes it tough for students who rely so deeply on knowledge to truly converse to adults in person because they don’t quite develop all of the vital skills to grasp or even onset a face-to-face conversation. Though, these skills are a critical instrument in the workforce. If you desire a elevated paying, stable job, or perhaps even to be confessed to a university, you have to have good face-to-face contact skills. If you lack these specific skills you most probable won’t even make it across the interview. Research from states that in 2012: †¢53% of adults owns a smartphone. †¢42% of people has utilized their phone for entertainment after they are bored. †¢51% of users utilized their cell phone at least after to receive information. †¢27% said they had concern acting something because they did not have their phone. †¢29% turns off their phones to seize a break from their digital existence at night. Conclusion: We have come to a society that is completely reliant on our knowledge to converse alongside others. It’s nearly impossible for us to uphold our communal existence lacking employing a little sort of modern-day knowledge to communicate. This article is not to say that mobile phones ought to be barred due to their countless negative aspects. It depends on us whether we use this knowledge for our progress and prosperity or for our destruction. No mistrust, mobile phone is the best change of this period but people ought to use it in a positive sense.